Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Angelina Jolie Got a Tattoo

Behind the pretty face, the wild side as well as artistic Angelina was clearly visible at the 18th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards, held in Los Angeles, USA, January 29, 2012 last. He exhibited some of his tattoo on the moment. Angelina actually has long been collecting tattoos as a form of love for the arts. Free Tattoo Designs says, some images that currently exists in the body is the text of "Know Your Rights" at the bottom of his neck, a Buddhist mantra tattooed on his left shoulder, and the Bengali tiger image is clearly visible in his lower back. Reporting from E! via Antaranews, Angelina tattoo full body wrap with a beautiful dress from Jenny Packham at the prestigious event. Among celebrity tattoo is a plural. Abroad, other than Angelina Jolie, celebrities such as Megan Fox, Katy Perry, Rihanna, and many other names to use tattoos as a form of identity and appreciation of art. Domestic as well as celebrities. Fahrani, Olla Ramlan, and Chantal Della Concetta has a unique tattoos on their bodies.

If you are interested in tattooing the body as well as for celebrities lined above, there are several tips you should follow before, during, and after the tattoo artist to work on your skin.

Avoid alcoholic beverages
Reporting from Yahoo! Voices, the old myth that to avoid a hangover is to drink alcohol it actually takes you on an unexpected illness in the long run. Alcohol can dilate the blood flow so that the bleeding that occurs will be more. This will make your skin very sore even after the tattoo.

Choose your favorite tattoo artist
Because the tattoo is a work that will stick forever in your skin, choose an experienced artist and blend with your taste.

Do not force the current process
Tattooing the body obviously requires more time and tenderness in the skin. Behind the needle that goes into your skin will constantly keep you in pain, consciously or not. Give me a break while on your skin when you begin to feel pain. The skin needs to breathe while in the "struggle" to receive the needle of intense reaction.

Make sure the disposable needle and tube clean a tattoo machine
It's all that matters. Pat Fish, CEO Luckyfish Tattoo, in her website requires you to use disposable tattoo needles. In addition to a cleaner, disposable needles will not spread the disease. Make sure tube for tattoo machine cleanliness assured. In addition, the entire property up to the artist himself must be kept clean.

Cold water in the bath
After the tattoo, do not shower with hot water, because it will make your pores open and the tattoo ink to fade quickly. Make sure you use cold water to clean the tattoo.

Use water-based lotion
To maintain healthy skin naturally on the tattoo, use water-based unscented lotion and acidic materials. Well preserved skin, tattoo color will hold for a long time.

Ready for tattooing the body? Or instead you collect tattoos like Angelina Jolie? Share your experience below.

Advantages & Disadvantages Body Tattoos

Tattoos are a form of art that will stick for life in a person's body. But the art of tattooing the body is sometimes done in a way that is not safe to risk a serious infection to the body. Preview plus minus, before you or those close to you tattooing his body. The decision to get a tattoo should have well-thought, because this art form is still very difficult to remove. Removing tattoos take long, expensive and can damage skin tissue. When making a tattoo was actually damage tissue and cause traumatic to the skin. Side effects that may arise from tattooing is a risk of infection such as the use of unsterilized needles or content of harmful substances from the ink used. Some of the victims began to fall virus infection Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Tattoo ink is generally made from a suspension of water-soluble particles such as mercury, cadmium, tin and iron are injected under the skin to form an image by using a needle. Risk of infection can also occur when making tattoos because the ink containing dangerous substances. Prof Helen Suh MacIntosh, an expert in environmental health from Harvard University said that some diseases that can be generated from non-sterile tattooing process are:

A. HIV infection AIDS
2. Hepatitis B or C
3. TBC
4. Mycobacterium
5. Syphilis
6. Malaria
7. Leprosy.

Some types of red ink to make permanent tattoos do contain mercury and some heavy metals such as cadmium or different iron oxides. According to Prof Helen, the metals are used in tattoos on the skin have been known to cause allergic reactions, eczema, scarring, and can also cause sensitivity to mercury. Other colors than standard tattoo ink is also derived from heavy metals (including lead, antimony, beryllium, chromium nickel, cobalt, and arsenic). Just as the heavy metals in red ink, these inks can also cause skin reactions in some people. For that he thought a tattoo of materials must include the risk of heavy metal content, including lead, arsenic, etc., and which many linked to cancer and birth defects. Exposure to heavy objects that usually appear many years after people get a tattoo. When examined with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), for example, people can burn or shock due to heavy metals in tattoo ink is affected by magnetic fields.

Losses have a permanent tattoo 
  1. The pain must be felt by someone as a tattoo because its manufacture uses a needle containing the ink according to the desired color.
  2. The high costs to get a tattoo.
  3. Are permanent and can not be removed easily, if you want to delete does not always work 100 percent and the price is very expensive.
  4. After years of color can fade or break up the lines of the drawing.
  5. Fashion and trends are always changing, it could present such a picture could be a trend but the next few years old.
  6. Maybe the tattoo will look attractive at the age of 20 years, but it would be unusual after the age of 50-something years.
  7. There is a risk of infection from any tattoos, such as from non-sterile needles or the ink containing dangerous substances.
The advantage of having a permanent tattoo.
  1. Tattoos can express a personal, artistic or meaningful message to the owner of the body.
  2. There is a certain satisfaction to have something different to others.
  3. Tattoos can be characteristic of a person.
Owners are generally aware that a permanent tattoo 'painting' will be attached to the skin throughout life. But there is also a regret or less satisfied, and wanted to remove it. Several techniques such as removing tattoos is finally done dermabrasion (scrubbing the skin to the outer layer peeled), sliced ​​skin, Cryotherapy (eliminating the use of liquid nitrogen temperature is below freezing), anti-tattoo cream, laser.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Body Art Painting In Hand

Body Art Painting In Hand :

- magician
- weight-bearing exercise
- sports running
- bird
- playing basketball

Japanese Body Art Painting For Girls

Japanese Body Art Painting For Girls

Chinese Dragon Body Painting Idea For Girls

Chinese Dragon Body Painting Idea For Girls

Aztec Tattoos and their Meanings

Meaning of Aztec Tattoos

One of the oldest traditions of tattoos, the Aztec tattoo art is popular and flourishing, even in today's times. The aspect of spirituality, which is associated with the art of tattooing in Aztec culture, gives it a completely different meaning and touch. Aztec tattoo art is representative of the Aztec culture and traditions. The origin of the Aztec tattoo is in Mexico. The Aztec Civilization was dominant in Central Mexico from the 14th to 16th century. Spanish colonizers are said to be the destroyers of this civilization. It is however very difficult to say whether today's Mexicans derive their ancestry from the Aztecs. Aztecs have great mythology, which is where Aztec tattoos and their meanings come from.

Aztec Tattoos and their Meanings
There are some facts about Aztec tattoos, which are interesting to know.
  • Aztec tattoos in the Aztec culture were always done in honor of some Aztec God. They were done only during rituals.
  • These tattoos were also used to differentiate between people belonging to different tribes.
  • Aztec tattoos also symbolized a warrior's rank and his achievements.
The placement of the Aztec tattoos was dependent on which God you want to appease. Wrist, chest and stomach were the most popular body parts where the tattoos were made. These areas are said to be the seats of power and therefore they were selected for tattooing. The language which was used for this Aztec tattoo art was ‘Nahuatl’. Read more on Aztec story of creation. Now that we know some facts about Aztec tattoos, we will look at ancient Aztec symbols and meanings.

Sun: An Aztec sun tattoo was made in honor of the Aztec sun god, called Huitzilopochtli. The sun god was the most important god to the Aztecs as he was said to be the guardian of heaven. The guarantee of after life was said to be the sun, due to its constant rising and setting. Therefore, the meaning of the Aztec sun tattoo is ‘belief in afterlife’. It was also made to show adoration for the sun god. Read more on aztec mythology andAztec gods.

Eagle: Amongst the tattoos of animals and birds, the eagle was very widely used. The meaning of this Aztec symbol was power, strength and courage. These attributes were attached to eagles due to their amazing flying skills, large size and strong nature. A tattoo of an Aztec eagle was therefore often found on Aztec warriors. Although there are various images of an eagle that are available, the eagle with its head pointing towards the west, its beak open and several feathers sticking out from the top of its head , is said to be the authentic ancient Aztec tattoo symbol. 

Warrior: This Aztec tattoo was given high importance among all Aztec tattoos. The meaning of this Aztec tattoo design was the journey of the soul to its after life. Very often it is seen that many people get an eagle also tattooed along with the warrior. As an Aztec warrior is said to draw his strength from an eagle.

Calender: An Aztec calender tattoo contains images of various facial features. According to the Aztec culture each creature represents a month. This creature is said to be a harbinger of several mythical and spiritual properties. Uitzilopochtle, the god of the Sun is often shown in many different forms in the Aztec calender. There is a lot of importance that is being attached to this Aztec symbol and its meanings.

Crocodile: A crocodile is also a part of Aztec tattoo designs. This crocodile is not a crocodile in the strictest sense of the term. It is actually a monster like creature, which resembles the crocodile. There are also various variations which are available of this creature. This Aztec tattoo symbol became famous for this fearsome nature.

Feathered Serpent:Quetzalcoatl This Serpent God known as Quetzalcoatl, literally means a serpent with feathers. He is accredited to being the God of weather, fertility and creativity. Quetzalcoatl is not the most powerful of the Aztec Gods but finds his way into their everyday life, thus gaining an important role in their culture and in tribal Aztec tattoos 

Tezcatlipoca: This is the Aztec name of the warrior god. He is usually tattooed with his tongue sticking out. His face is very fierce and therefore, is also very popular.

One's creativity knows no bounds when it comes to tattoos and tattooing. Apart from the common and universally known designs, there are several other symbols that belong to different cultures and can be used as tattoo designs. One such example is the Aztec tattoo design and symbolism. The Aztecs were a group of people living in the present day Mexico, from 13th to 16th century. The Aztecs were powerful culturally and historically. Although the civilization no longer exists today, their symbolism and imagery still exists. Today, these symbols are used as tattoo designs and are quite popular all over. Among the several different Aztec tattoo designs, the warrior is the most loved and favored symbol. Let us have a look at it in detail.

Aztec Warrior Tattoos
In the Aztec culture, Tezcatlipoca is considered as the lord of kings and warriors. Tezcatlipoca symbolizes strength, power and all qualities associated with a warrior. Similar to all the ancient civilizations, warfare was a part of the life and culture of the Aztecs. Therefore, Aztec warriors symbolized bravery and courage. Sporting a tattoo depicting Tezcatlipoca represents discipline, honor and supremeness in battlefield. It is also believed that the Aztecs worshiped sun god and his images were very commonly used in different art forms. On the other hand, warriors of the Aztec civilization were classified either into the eagle or jaguar warrior types. Those belonging to the respective family wore respective outfits during battles. The eagle and the jaguar warrior symbols are famous among tattoo lovers and also widely accepted. Other Aztec symbols are the shield with fringes all around it and the warrior armband used by the Aztec warriors. Read more on Aztec tattoos and their meanings.

Aztec Warrior Tattoo Designs
Although in earlier times, the Aztec tattoos were made only by Mexicans, today they are a favorite among people all over the world. If you wish to have a colorful tattoo depicting ancient art, you can go for the Aztec warrior tattoos. However, you should note that the Aztec tattoos are quite large and very colorful (sometimes to the extent of gaudy) in appearance. But you can still have your own color choice and style. Here are some design ideas for the warrior tattoo of the Aztec era.

If you wish to make a classical Aztec warrior tattoo, then the picture of Tezcatlipoca is the best design. This lord of warriors, with his tongue sticking out is very popular among abstract art lovers. Secondly, as the sun is a popular and sacred symbol, it is found in several Aztec tattoos. In fact one can even make use of the image of the sun in Aztec warrior tattoo designs. The eagle Aztec warriors and the jaguar Aztec warriors are two beautiful tattoo designs that typically portray the Aztec culture. Also, an Aztec shield with fringes made with the sun god in the center is yet another tattoo design that you can consider. Tribal Aztec tattoos also look equally attractive and can be made by those who do not wish to have the uber colorful tattoos.
If you are thinking of the placement of these tattoos, then one should note that the Aztec warrior tattoos are quite larger in size and hence, it is advisable to have it made on the upper arm, shoulder or the back. Similarly, for a smaller version, you can have the warrior armband or the warrior shield tattoos and sport them on arms, wrist, etc. As these tattoo designs are complex, it is recommended to have a printed copy of the design and check out its appearance before going for it.

Aztec warrior tattoos portray the ancient art of the Aztec culture. Lastly, the colorful and dramatic Aztec tattoo will always be 'in' and will never fail to catch the eye of the viewer.

Tribal Aztec Tattoos

Aztec was a cultural group living in the present day South Central Mexico, from the 13th to the 16th century. They were also known as the Nahuatl as they spoke that language. The Aztec culture was very developed as in diverse fields like politics, social system and arts. The Aztecs were religious people and believed in human sacrifices for pleasing their Gods. The several characters and designs from there are equally popular today and are also used as symbols in tattoos. These tattoos are known as Aztec tattoos. Let us have a look at it in detail. Read more on Aztec mythology and Aztec Gods.

Tribal Aztec Tattoos
Interestingly, tattoo making was known to the Aztec people and they used it extensively. They believed that making tattoos of religious symbols would portray their devotion to the Gods and hence, tattoo making was a common practice. Sometimes, tattoos were also used as a mark of distinction between different tribes. There are several symbols that specifically belong to the Aztec and the Mexican culture. These include Huitzilopochtili, or the Aztec sun God; Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent and Tezcatlipoca, the God of warriors. These symbols were widely used by the Aztecs and are equally popular even today. However, other designs and symbols including stars, eagles, the moon and princesses are also commonly used today. Read more on Aztec tattoo art.

Tribal Aztec Tattoo Meanings
All the symbols belonging to the Aztec culture have certain meanings related to them. The Sun God was believed as the guardian of the heaven and hence, was very much respected. The Aztecs also believed in 'after life' which was similar to the setting and the rising of the sun. Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, was considered as the God of immorality. It also symbolized fertility and creativeness. The eagle represents power, strength and vigor. It was also believed to be the source of inspiration for the warriors during wars. Tezcatlipoca, the God of the warriors, is often made with his tongue sticking out and hence, is loved by the lovers of eccentricity and abstract art. Among the several images, the designs of the Sun God and other deities are more popular today. Read more on Aztec tattoos and their meanings.

Tribal Aztec Tattoo Drawings
If one is a follower or believer in the Aztec culture, he should surely go for the Aztec tattoo. If not, you can still think of having it as all the symbols have powerful meanings associated with them. On the other hand, the unique appearance of Aztec tattoos make them really attractive and fashionable. Although Aztec tattoos can be made in different colors, the tribal Aztec tattoos are in vogue these days. Made with black or blue ink, they do not fail to catch the eye of the onlooker. Aztec designs and symbols look attractive when made larger in size, therefore, you can have them made on shoulders, stomach or the back. If you do not wish to have large tattoos, you can have their smaller versions made on the wrist, ankle or back of the neck. Read more on Aztec tattoo designs.

A visit to any of the Aztec temple will be helpful to know more on the beauty of the Aztec designs and art. If you have decided to sport tribal Aztec tattoos, it is better to look our for a professional and skilled tattoo artist who is well aware of the actual Aztec designs. Other way, it will be beneficial to research a bit and try out different designs on the paper before finalizing one.

Why Does Everybody love Raymond but Everyone hate Chris

Everyone Loves Raymond
The show revolves around the life of Raymond Barone, newspaper sportswriter fromLynbrookLong Island, and his family. Easygoing and flippant, Ray does not take many things seriously, making jokes in nearly every situation, no matter how troubling or problematic, and constantly avoiding any sort of real responsility.
Ray lives with his wife Debra (Patricia Heaton), their daughter Ally and their identical twin sons Michael and Geoffrey. Although the kids are present throughout the series, they are not a major focus of the show. Ray's parents, Marie and Frank, and brother Robert, live across the street, and frequently make their presence known to the frustration of Ray and Debra. Debra's frequent complaints about Ray's family are a running joke. Out of the three unwanted visitors, Debra is particularly put off by Marie — a catty, controlling and manipulative woman who constantly criticizes and antagonizes Debra and coddles Ray, clearly favoring him over Robert, whose impending birth (as was established in one episode) drove her into marriage.
Ray often finds himself in the middle of all the problems and arguments and proves himself incapable of taking any sort of stand, especially if there is the chance that it will bring down the wrath of his mother on him. His biggest nemesis is his brother Robert, who is insecure andjealous of Ray for being the favorite son, as well as Ray's success in both his professional and family life. Robert and Ray are frequently seen fighting like children and picking on each other.
Ray's and Robert's father, Frank, is a very crass and obnoxious person, constantly making insulting and sarcastic remarks to everyone with whom he comes into contact. Largely an absentee father when the boys were growing up, Frank does not like to show his feelings, throughout the years several episodes were crafted to show that he actually does love his family.
Ray and Debra constantly have marital disagreements, with Debra frequently denying Ray sex and Ray preferring to watch sports televisioninstead of talking to Debra about matters important to her. Like his father, he is becoming an absentee parent, leaving the active child-rearing to Debra and has to be bullied into helping around the house. A recurring theme on the show has them having a long interaction each night while in bed, just before going to sleep.

YouTube Video

Everybody Hates Chris
The show revolves around the everyday life of Chris, who is a 13-year-old seventh gradestudent in the series' first episode. Chris is one of the few "normal" characters on the show, surrounded by a collection of eccentric characters that, in his point of view, act as if they dislike him. Chris lives in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, a low-income community and attends an all-white school, where students and teachers alike pick on him. If events progress favorably for Chris throughout an episode, they will almost certainly backfire on him by the end. Likewise, if a situation isn't going Chris' way, it always manages to get even worse for him, whether or not he tries to change the course of events.
The guest characters on the show all seem to detest Chris for some unknown reason. In fact, Chris Rock, made a guest appearance as the guidance counselor, Mr. Abbott, who also disliked Chris and unhelpfully focused on how Chris was in trouble academically. Even the warmest of guest characters have some inexplicable dislike of Chris, such as one character named Kris (Richard Lewis), who was injured and in the hospital.
In the third season finale, Chris graduates from Corleone Junior High School, but his joy is cut short when his best friend Greg moves to a new school—Chris quickly hatches a plan to go to Greg's high school. Greg ends up having to go to Chris' high school due to poor grades.

YouTube Video

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Accessories Collection Temporary Tattoos

For some people, tattoos are considered as a taboo thing. Art of body painting with ink sometimes be a sign of a-hard lifestyle. In fact, it indicates the macho's. However, more modern, a tattoo is considered as an art which is also favored by most women, even get into the fashion industry.

Later, a tattoo studio and international fashion houses showing their designs at once with a temporary tattoo designs. Call it a tattoo studio Rodarte, Jean Paul Gaultier, Chanel and even, they dress the models with temporary tattoos while demonstrating their fashion collections for spring / summer 2011.

That said, it was so enthuses temporary tattoos, tattoo studio Karl Lagerfeld decided to launch a line of temporary tattoos Chanel accessories. Reportedly, Chanel will release a collection of temporary tattoos in March in Europe with prices around 49 euros (approximately USD 585 000). There will be approximately 55 different tattoo designs which are marketed.

Is actually a temporary tattoo image is transferred and which is the result of make-up design director, Peter Philips. Generally, tattoo image is an image Chanel logo, chains, flowers, and pearl necklace which can be placed on the thighs, calves, or wrist, which would indeed be interesting to wear "dress" the body parts which are generally not covered in the summer. Interested?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Worldchampions Tattoo

Worldchampions Tattoo Worldchampions Tattoo

Worldchampions TattooWorldchampions Tattoo

Worldchampions TattooWorldchampions Tattoo

Tribal tattoos

And strongly preferred tribal tattoo designs by the fans. Made the interesting patterns and craftsmanship have the option of hot, dozens of tattoo fans.
I was fascinated tattoo designs tribal tattoo enthusiasts always with unique styles and mystical symbolisms. There are many historical facts associated with tribal tattoos. It is believed that he was in use since ancient times, used largely by the tribal tattoo tribal communities in the early years. She was said to have got these designs took place on the skin to portray their identity or belonging to a certain tribe.
Depending on the size and style, tribal tattoos were also used to reflect social status. Some people chose to tattoo because of some tribal rituals that were considered important in their community. There are still others who believe that the tribal tattoo and the great healing and magical powers, and therefore use them to get those powers.
A tribal tattoo designs Find out more about tribal tattoos, but today, in modern times, is no longer associated with the tribal tattoo any particular category and remove social and religious meanings which held an ancient people. Most are based on tribal art tattoos that we see today on the designs, drawings and models of Polynesian tattoo tribes, namely the Iban of Borneo and the entity (Sarawak) and Kenyah and (Kalimantan)
Over the years, there has been some changes to the tribal tattoo is not only in terms of their meanings but also their patterns. Recently, there has been a new type of tribalism. This other style is a mix of tribal designs tribal patterns of the original with some additional attention, including curves, interlocking formations and interesting designs integrated, such as a flower, butterfly, angel, etc.

Popular tribal designs
Although there are thousands of tribal tattoo designs available, some of which are the most popular, was the hot favorite for many tattoo enthusiasts. Some of the tribal tattoo is a great credit:

1. Tribal Tattoo Designs Dragon 2 TattoosTribal Find out more about tribal tattoos
2. Tribal Tattoo Phoenix
3. A tribal tattoo
4. Tribal butterfly tattoos
5. Zodiac Tattoo
6. Flower tattoo

Benefits of tribal tattoo designs

* Apart from being a unique and attractive, and tribal tattoos are also more preferable because of additional advantages. Some of which are listed below:
* Tribal tattoos and usually requires a lot of black ink. This holds up to the design very well for a long time. Black tattoo ink does not fade easily.
* You can always experiment with the pattern of tribal tattoo, tribal tattoo design your own. And be signed
* tribal tattoo on any part of the body. Them, thick black lines curving and overlapping patterns give them a bold visual appeal that looks good on many of the standard tattoo locations, such as the upper arm, back or lower back.

Star tattoos

Star tattoos are among the most popular types of tattoos. There are a number of different subjects, and meanings that can be represented using a star tattoo. Many people who are interested in astrology decide stars tattooed on themselves. This might be a star and one star or even may be a constellation of stars that are commonly seen in the sky at night. Other common meanings for tattoos wishing star (as in, hoping the Star), and the sky and change. This is because as the Earth rotates in the night position of the stars in the sky are constantly changing, and moving. If you are interested in tattoos of stars on yourself but were not sure what some of the meanings of common, you may want to consider the following information;

Any person who is known in astrology what an important part of stars and the atmosphere of the play. For anyone interested in astrology, there are many different reasons why you might choose some stars tattooed on themselves. For those who wish to do so, you may stars play a very important role in their lives. Individuals who believe in astrology believe sometimes that the use of stars can accurately predict the future, and the day they were born and will tell you a lot about the person and how they interact with the rest of the world. Those who may be interested in astrology and star tattoo you choose one, or group of stars for themselves to deliver the message correctly no matter how they were looking for a way to transfer the rules of astrology.
And was often associated with the stars change. This is because it also continues on the night, the stars move across the sky. They never stay in one spot, and constantly do this night after the proposal was the same night. This may be also because when someone "based on the wishes of the stars", they are more likely for those who want some sort of change in their lives. There are many different reasons why the stars were known to represent change, and actually most of them up to the interpretation of the individual who is looking for a tattoo.
Wishing on a star was a term that was common by Disney and cricket Jimminy. But, before that, he was still a common place to look in the direction of stores when you make a wish. In fact, can be attributed to this practice once again on the way to BC because so many people to look to the sky when they arrive. This practice is still valid today, and he became the norm for many people.
There are many great places for star tattoo designs on the body. Some of the more popular areas include behind the ear, shoulder, backpack, or on the legs. The largest in the region, can be more complex in design to be. Some people choose only one star tattooed on themselves, others may choose to tattoo three or four different stars, or even an entire system of the stars themselves.